How to Make Money in Blogging 2023.

 Starting a blog is one of the best ways to make money online. Although it may take a while to build up traffic, it’s possible to earn up to $50,000/year through blogging with enough hard work. 

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When it comes to the most effective methods on how to monetize a blog, it all depends on your blogging niche and audience type. It may take a while to figure out which method works best for you, but with enough persistence, you will be able to make a substantial income. 


Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the fastest ways to make money blogging. Many people choose this method because: 

  • Affiliate marketing is a profitable and large industry, making it easy to find products to use and promote. It is a great side hustle that lets bloggers earn passive income. 
  • It is a low-cost business opportunity that doesn’t require a huge starting capital.  
  • Provides the opportunity to promote products from different companies. 

Many bloggers make thousands of dollars from affiliate marketing. A good example is Pat Flynn, the creator of Smart Passive Income, who earned over $100,000 in a month through affiliate links. 

To get started with affiliate marketing, a blogger needs to join an affiliate program. Some of the popular networks to find these programs include FlexOffers, ClickBank, and ShareASale.

ShareASale landing page

After being approved for an affiliate program, bloggers will get an affiliate link to the product’s sales page. They can add this link to their content and receive a commission once a visitor makes a purchase.

The commissions will depend on the affiliate programs that bloggers choose, ranging from 5-30% of the product sales price. The higher the affiliate products’ prices are, the higher the commissions they can receive. 

If you want to make  money using affiliate marketing, consider following these tips:

  • Choose an affiliate program that suits your audience. Most successful affiliates promote products that their readers would be interested in.
  • Pay attention to the competitors. Look at the top blogs in your affiliate niche, then see what products they recommend and how they promote those items. 
  • Disguise affiliate links. Use affiliate tools like Pretty Links to make the links look more professional and easier to remember.

Expert Tip

Make sure you have five, ten thousand plus visitors a month before you worry about monetizing through AdSense or affiliate marketing. The more you blend the affiliate link in, the more natural it seems, the better off you’re gonna do. But of course, if it’s affiliate-related, you need the disclaimers as well.


Neil P.

Digital Marketing Expert and Entrepreneur

2. Paid Ads

Another great way to blog and make money is to sell ad space on your blog. Single Moms Income is a great example of a blog that earns passive income by displaying ads. It generated $1,031.81/month in 2019 through ad placements alone.

There are many ad networks to get started with, but Google AdSense is one of the most popular services. 

Some of the reasons why many bloggers use Google AdSense are:

  • It’s free to join. 
  • A blogger can run ads on several websites from one AdSense account.
  • Bloggers can modify the ads to fit their site’s design.

Before making money online with Google AdSense, you will need to create a Google account and submit an application. Google’s team will review your site before accepting the request, which might take from a few hours to a couple of days. 

If the team doesn’t approve your Google AdSense account, try other alternatives such as Media.netPopAds, and Chitika. homepage asking "are you ready to maximize your revenue?"

Here are several tips for maximizing paid ads revenue:

  • Know the advertising program’s rules. You must read and comply with a program’s ads policies. 
  • Use organic traffic-building techniques. Most ad networks forbid web owners to click on their own ads or pay people for clicks. Try to drive organic traffic using such marketing practices as search engine optimization (SEO).
  • Test different ad types and placements. Look for ad space sizes that generate the most amount of clicks and sales.

3. Online Consulting

If you’re an expert in a specific industry and willing to share your knowledge, then consulting might be the best way to make money online from a blog. Depending on your field of expertise, it’s possible to make up to $90,000/year as a consultant.

One example of a blogger who earns income by offering a consulting service is Neil Patel. He makes $20,000/month as an SEO consultant.

A consultant is usually expected to:

  • Identify problems. Many clients look for a consultant to recognize a problem inside an organization and offer a more effective strategy.
  • Act as a catalyst. A consultant can make changes in an organization without worrying about a corporation’s culture or other issues that can get in the way.
  • Teach. Companies might also ask a consultant to teach their employees different skills to stay competitive in the industry.

There is no startup investment to get started as a consultant. Simply create a page with a contact form for clients who want to know more about your business. To find some consulting opportunities, you can also go to sites like Glassdoor and Flex Jobs

Flexjobs landing page: #1 site to find job opportunities

Keep in mind that there are some points to consider before starting with this method of making money online:

  • Registrations and licenses. Some states might require people to have a special certification before starting to operate as a consultant.
  • Consultant rates. Price is a significant factor that can attract and retain clients. Ensure to check how much other consultants in your industry are charging before setting rates. 
  • Special training. Consulting requires additional skills such as public speaking, training groups of people, offering feedback effectively, and analyzing and presenting data.

4. Sponsored Posts

Another excellent method to blog and make money is through sponsorships. Many bloggers make a high income by publishing product reviews on various items and services. 

Through sponsored posts, a blogger can get paid to talk about brands or products they love, showing how they use these items and how they can benefit others.

A blogger can charge a set price per review, depending on their rank and incoming traffic. For instance, Alexis charges between $750-$1,500 for each sponsored post she publishes on her blog Financials

Fitnancials homepage featuring Alexis, a 20 something blogger

If you want to get paid by writing sponsored posts, try following these tips :

  • Create a media kit that contains information like your blog’s traffic stats, audience demographics, and any other data that can make your site more appealing to other brands. 
  • Reach out to companies that you’re interested in working with.
  • Remember to regularly update your media kit stats, especially if there are changes in page views or follower count.
  • Create accounts on websites specifically for sponsorship opportunities such as Acorn InfluenceBlog Meets Brand, and Social Stars.

Expert Tip

When it comes to different brands, they want to work with people who have loyal audiences that trust them and who care for their audiences. So just foster a really good relationship with the audience.

Reply to comments, go live on the social web. That way, you’re building a deeper connection with people.

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